I am creative, explorer and diverse! Studied engineering, worked in banking and marketing, free-lanced in advertising and communications strategy, and fascinated by photography. In every stage, I was lucky to be and work with best (*)... but also tried to give my best.

That is what exactly I continue doing now, as a freelance photographer. Give my best.

Diverse, artistic, professional. These words are not easy to achieve, as they often work against each other. Well, the first -diversified-, I will try to show in this website. The other two is for you to judge. And I will try hard for it. But for surely, I want you to enjoy being here.

Thanks for stopping by.

  • Graduated with a Master’s degree from University of Michigan, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research department, rated as #1 in USA
  • Employed at Bank of Cyprus, Group Marketing & Communications Department, where I worked for 22 years with the best professionals in the area
  • Cooperated -I was client- with the top Advertising Agencies in Cyprus. Also worked with extraordinary professionals from overseas, such as Addison Group –London and Peter Economides -Athens.
  • Awarded the EFIAP/b photography title (Excellence FIAP - Bronze distinction) from FIAP, the Federation International of Artistic Photography.
  • Traveled & explored countries that, to me, hide the life’s real secrets –Bali, Brazil, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, Vietnam...
  • Live among the best friends, in the best family